WordCloud2 Bokeh API Reference

class bokeh_wordcloud2.WordCloud2(**kw)

Bases: bokeh_wordcloud2.bokeh_wordcloud2._WordCloud2Meta

Provides a Bokeh Interface to WordCloud (https://wordcloud2-js.timdream.org)

As Such it accepts Most of the same arguments.


  • any CustomJS callback will have two variables available cb_obj which is the model, and cb_data which is the data for the CustomJS Callback
  • depending on context cb_data will have different properties, but usually cb_data.word and cb_data.weight will be available
  • many CustomJS callbacks MUST return a value (see the docs for the various attributes)

property type: Either ( String , Instance ( CustomJS ) )

a class name or function to use … only works if using DOM elements, which are currently unsupported… so this does nothing for now


property type: Instance ( CustomJS )

js callback to execute on word click


this is NOT the same as bokeh_wordcloud2.WordCloud2.on_click(), which runs inside the backend on a bokeh server, where as this attribute expects CustomJS that is run on the client.

cb_data provides: cb_data.word, and cb_data.weight

wordcloud.click = CustomJS(code='''
console.log(`You Clicked!!!!: ${cb_data.word} - x${cb_data.weight}`)

property type: Either ( String , List ( String ), Instance ( CustomJS ) )

the color or colors to use when generating the wordcloud

data = ColumnDataSource(data={
   words = ['apple','pie','tastes','delicious'],
   weights = [11,10,20,15],

# a single color, all words will be pink on a blue background
wc1 = WordCloud(source=data,wordCol="words", sizeCol="weights", color="pink", background="blue")

# 2 colors that will be selected at random, on a yellow background
wc2 = WordCloud(source=data,wordCol="words", sizeCol="weights", background="yellow",color=["blue","red"])

# specify a column to use for the colors
wc3 = WordCloud(source=data,wordCol="words", sizeCol="weights", background="yellow",color="colors")

# specify a javascript callback ,(default white background)
callback = CustomJS(code='''
if cb_data.word == 'apple':
   return 'red'
return 'blue'
wc4 = WordCloud(source=data,wordCol="words", sizeCol="weights", color=callback)

property type: String

the fontFamily to use.


property type: Either ( String , Instance ( CustomJS ) )

the font weight to use, or a CustomJS that returns a Font weight(eg. ‘bolder’,‘600’,’normal’) (see cb_object)


property type: Float

the distance between words, the bigger the gridsize, the more distance between words.


property type: Instance ( CustomJS )

js callback to execute on word hover 1

cb_data provides: cb_data.word, and cb_data.weight

wordcloud.hover = CustomJS(code="console.log(`Hover On: ${cb_data.word} - x${cb_data.weight}`)")

property type: Float

the maximum amount(in radians) to rotate


property type: Float

the minimum amount(in radians) to rotate


bind a python callback to word clicks, this only works when running a bokeh server


this is NOT the same as bokeh_wordcloud2.WordCloud2.click, which runs on the clients browser, where as this method expects a python function that is run on the bokeh-server.

the function that recieves the call back will recieve WordClick Event, that has a word and weight attribute

def my_handler(event):
    print("Clicked Word: %r"%event.word)
    # update the view filters
    some_view.filters = [1,2,4,5,7,8]

Parameters:python_callback – a python function to call when a word is clicked

property type: Float

the odds of a given word rotating between 0-1, if 1 then the word will ALWAYS rotate, if 0 it will NEVER rotate, at 0.2 it has a 20% chance of rotating


property type: Int

the number of slices to cut the rotation range into


property type: Enum ( Enumeration(circle, cartoid, diamond, square, triangle-forward, triangle, pentagon, star) )

the shape of the wordcloud


property type: String

the column of the weights, if unspecified it will count word occurences


property type: Instance ( DataSource )

required The source of data for the widget.

data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(words=list("ABCDE"),sizes=[1,4,2,5,7]))
WordCloud(source=data, wordCol="words", sizeCol="sizes", color="blue")

property type: Instance ( CDSView )

A view into the data source to use when rendering table rows. A default view of the entire data source is created if a view is not passed in during initialization.

view = CDSView(source=data,filter=GroupFilter(column_name="active",value="true"))        
WordCloud(source=data, view=view, wordCol="words", sizeCol="sizes", color=["red","blue"])

property type: Either ( Instance ( CustomJS ), Float )

a multiplier to apply to the sizes or a CustomJS instance(see cb_data)

# you can just specify a number (eg multiply all sizes by 12)
wc = WordCloud(source=data,wordCol="words", sizeCol="weights", weightFactor=12)

# or you can specify a callback (eg cube the given size)
callback = CustomJS(code="return Math.pow(cb_data.size, 3))

property type: String

required the column with the words in it

JSON Prototype
  "align": "start",
  "aspect_ratio": null,
  "background": null,
  "classes": null,
  "click": null,
  "color": null,
  "css_classes": [],
  "default_size": 300,
  "disabled": false,
  "fontFamily": "Times, serif",
  "fontWeight": "normal",
  "gridSize": 16,
  "height": null,
  "height_policy": "auto",
  "hover": null,
  "id": "1001",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "margin": [
  "maxRotation": 1.5707963267948966,
  "max_height": null,
  "max_width": null,
  "minRotation": 0,
  "min_height": null,
  "min_width": null,
  "name": null,
  "orientation": "horizontal",
  "rotateRatio": 1,
  "rotationSteps": 32,
  "shape": "square",
  "sizeCol": null,
  "sizing_mode": null,
  "source": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": [],
  "view": {
    "id": "1002",
    "type": "CDSView"
  "visible": true,
  "weightFactor": null,
  "width": null,
  "width_policy": "auto",
  "wordCol": null